Getting Back On Track

In his book, “A New Kind of Christian”, Brian McLaren writes about the same issues that I address in chapter fourteen of my book, “The Safe King”.  The following quote comes from a dialogue found on pages 105-106.

“OK, you asked for it.  Dan, I don’t think Christians have any idea what the gospel really is.”  He paused, and I saw it coming: “For example, how would you define the gospel?”  I said something about accepting Christ as your personal Savior and justification by grace through faith, not by works, based on the finished work of Christ on the cross, and he said, “Yes, that’s exactly what most modern Christians would say.”  I protested and he said, “Does it bother you that Jesus never defined the gospel in this way?  And does it bother you that no Christians in history ever used the phrase ‘Accept Christ as your personal Savior’ until a few decades ago?  Does it bother you that our little gospel presentations are really just modern sales pitches that reduce the gospel to modern dimensions – laws, steps, simple diagrams, complete with a sales close?”  “OK then, how would you define the gospel?  Neo said it couldn’t be reduced to a little formula, other than the one Jesus used, which was ‘Repent, the kingdom of God is at hand.’”

My point is that others besides me are noticing the reshaping of the gospel message that has taken place in the past 60 years.  We need to return to the inclusion of the Kingdom concepts of Jesus in today’s gospel.  Let’s just assume that He is the best authority on the subject, end of discussion!  Now, it’s our job to understand and make sense of His message for our generation.  We do not have permission to modify or re-write the essentials of our Lord’s salvation message.

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