Who Will Win?

I’m writing this blog on election day November 3rd, 2020.  The whole world is literally holding its breath as the remaining votes are being counted amid charges of election irregularities and fraud.  Everyone seems to be agreed that the kind of nation we are and will become is at stake.  We have been subjected for weeks, even months, to the worst kinds of fear mongering on both sides.

The result?  We are more divided by animosity and even hatred then ever before.  I decided that before I know whether Trump or Biden won this race for the presidency, I would take a deep breath and acknowledge my deepest conviction.  I believe with all my heart that God is indeed sovereign over the affairs of men and nations.  He alone understands the complexities of human history and He alone can do anything about the future.

My Bible tells me that Jesus Christ is Lord, whether he is treated as such or not.  He is going to win!  His Kingdom will come and He will accomplish His plans and purposes on earth as He does in heaven.  In the end the forces of darkness, deception and evil will be destroyed and creation will be restored to its original perfection.

My responsibility today is to trust Him. This year, I once again voted my biblical values and convictions and encouraged many others to do the same.  I am not at all sure of which way this nation’s politics will turn.  What I am sure of is that Jesus Christ will eventually put all his enemies under His feet, establishing His Kingdom for all eternity.  First Corinthians 15: 24-28 tells us that in the end, He will hand the Kingdom back to God the Father as an act of loving humility.

The greatest of all leaders will not be up for election.  He is God’s Elect!  We become elect along with Him when we choose to install him on the throne of our hearts by faith.  He is the leader we can trust to do what is good, right, loving and just…100% of the time.  I love His leadership and can hardly wait for the day when He takes over permanently.

2 thoughts on “Who Will Win?

  1. Ginger Bible-Coffey

    Just wondering how we the church fit into your comments. Ephesians says we rule and reign and are seated in heavenly places with Christ. It’s up to the church to bring Gods kingdom to earth. We can’t just say it’s all in Gods hands when God gave us authority to bring about His rule an reign. If the church does not vote for a President who supports Israel and is pro life, it’s not God’s fault that the people if that Nation are taken into captivity. That’s my 2 cents! Enjoyed being able to discuss this issue! Thanks Pastor Jan

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