What you will do with the Kingdom frame of reference that Jesus taught us.
Will it be just another interesting tidbit of truth or will it be the kingpin? Will you see it as a component or as the motherboard concept that properly aligns all the other Biblical ideas?
The Kingdom was the biggest of big deals to Jesus. It seems reasonable to credit Him with the best mind in human history. He was, after all, God in human flesh. Intellectual genius was behind His selection of how to frame the issues of sin, salvation and sanctification.
We somehow tend to forget how smart He was and is! As a result we have historically tried to “improve” His message or taken the liberty to re-frame it. The basic assumption is that He is the best communicator of His message and the ageless standard or benchmark for us.
It’s time for the church of Jesus Christ to rediscover the power and effectiveness of the Kingdom message of our Leader. Let’s not just stick the word Kingdom into our stuff. Let’s start over with the Kingdom at the center and integrate everything into that eternal reality. Let’s “kiss the Son” in allegiance and affection as Psalm 2 commands.
I’m totally convinced that the results will be a far more powerful, life-changing gospel. A gospel that releases “the power of God unto salvation” (Rom. 1:16) will produce attractive, healthy, growing churches of Christ followers.