Bible believing and practicing Christ followers have always been regarded by the rest of the Western World as extremists or even fanatics. If believers merely strive to be “nice”, do good works and community service they can expect to be tolerated. If they actually speak and live according to their Bible’s instructions, they are now seen as intolerant and practitioners of hate speech.
What’s going on when tolerant society is blatantly intolerant? What is behind the obvious reality that it is culturally OK to hate those who have been labeled “haters”? The Bible is ultra-clear on this subject. Jesus warned His followers in John 15:20 “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also.” Faith in Jesus Christ is always about taking sides with God in a cosmic war. As soon as people pledge allegiance to King Jesus, they are targeted by the kingdoms of this world system.
In North America today, nobody would dream of speaking negatively about Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists or Native American religions. But it is open season on Christians. This is a phenomenon that can also be seen all over the world. True Christianity inevitably stirs up animosity and opposition wherever it is practiced. The reason is starkly obvious. There is a spiritual battle going on. The kingdoms of this world are arrayed against the Kingdom of God.
That’s just the way it is.
So, what are we who follow Jesus to do about it? We keep on telling the absolute truth! We keep on standing strong in the face of all the lies and smears that are hurled at us. We are a people of extreme courage because of our convictions. We know with certainty that we are on the winning side. We know how history ends. And we know our King is coming soon!